After eleven months, finally we have come to an end of Sunday School for the year 2009. It was great to have been able to join the class this year for the first time and the last time.
Getting to know everyone in the class was seriously great and definitely a great fun time being class with everyone. Lameness and loudness spreading in the class every week is definitely all the time.
To all the Form 5’s having SPM starting this Wednesday, good luck and all the best. Do your best and don’t give up! To all the others, have great school holiday and enjoy it to the max before next year comes.
Again thank you to Bro KC & Bro Lid Sine for the knowledge that I’ve gained this year in class.
I will still be around Sunday School next in Sariputta class for those who may want to know. Find me if you need me.
Smiles from my heart,
Love from my heart,
You all shall always be my Kalyana Mitra!
See you all again next year!
By Bryan ^.^V
Good evening to my dearest family and friends, brothers and sisters in the Dhamma.
It is difficult to express my gratitude and it is indeed surprising to me that I would be standing here tonight receiving this award – Best Student of the Year. I want to say so much, but I can hardly find the words. Being able to learn the Dhamma is the greatest blessings in my life. Definitely I wouldn’t be able to have it if I hadn’t join BISDS. It is where I discover that there is a part in me that want to explore more into the teachings of the Buddha. Of course, it is only this year that I join BISDS after hearing about it a few years ago but was reluctant of joining it then as I had a perception that I won’t benefit from it. But now, I have a different perception of BISDS. It has brought me a lot of new things this year namely friends, knowledge, experience & passion. I’m very glad that I have joined BISDS.
It wasn’t easy being the eldest student in class yet with the least Dhamma knowledge as well. Even with the teachings that I have learnt in class, I have even took the effort to study more myself by taking the class exam and also the MBE. It is also that without the encouragement that I get from friends, I wouldn’t have the initiative to study deeper into it
I gained experience through events such as BISDS Carnival as well as Class Trip to the Home of the Disabled which was organized by our class. In all these, I was able to put my Dhamma knowledge into action. That is by helping anyone whether or not they are in need to be helped, be patient when issue arise and more.
Joining the BISDS Youth Group, dancing and choir was a bonus that helped me to explore even more. It is where I discover that I can sing and together we reflect the name of our choir group – One Voice, One Melody. It is too where I found my greatest passion that I am so hyped up whenever I talk about it, which is dancing. Speaking of it makes me just want to dance right now.
Lastly, I’m very glad that I was able to meet everyone that I know here. Some of us going through the ups & downs together, celebrating happy moments together and I even feel that they are a second family to me. With all being said, I definitely want to thank my class teachers, Bro Kan Cheng & Bro Lid Sine and of course all my family & friends. Sunday has been one of my favourite days.
Thank you and good night.